Autor Thema: Information for English-speaking visitors  (Gelesen 66877 mal)

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Information for English-speaking visitors
« am: 12. Januar 2019, 11:53:01 »
This website is so far exclusively in German.

However you can:

a) change the language of the forum interface HERE:
"Profil >> Profil-Einstellungen >> Benutzerkonto >> Bevorzugte Sprache" and than select a language from the drop-down menu,

b) post contributions in English (the administrators will translate them into German if necessary),

c) read all articles with an online translator in English.
If you use the Google Chrome browser, you can use the built-in translator for a quick overview.
For higher quality translations, we recommend the online translator


For further questions, please contact the administrators (
« Letzte Änderung: 09. März 2019, 10:10:16 von Uli »
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