Autor Thema: TERMS OF USE  (Gelesen 52093 mal)

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« am: 08. März 2019, 16:26:38 »
Current Terms of Use for the Barchetta Forum
Status: 2019-05-11 a - V09 - Subject to change without notice

Preliminary remark

The Barchetta Forum is a completely private, voluntary and unpaid service, whose operators realize this exclusively with (a lot of) their own time and (some) money. Who is not content with this service, is either invited to criticize constructively and benevolently (!) or of course may renounce the use of this service.

A   Exclusion of responsibility of operators for user contributions and rights of control

The operators enable registered users of the forum (also referred to as "members" of the forum) to post contributions and other options.

  • The operators and administrators of this forum are not responsible for the contents of the user contributions.
  • They therefore do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of contributions and are not responsible for their content. The contributions express the view of the respective author, but not necessarily that of the majority or the general public of this discussion forum. Every user who feels disturbed by the content of this forum has the possibility to report it at any time.
  • They expressly point out that they have insight and access to all profiles and all contributions / entries (but not to the contents of "Private Messages (PM)").
  • They also expressly point out that they have the right and the opportunity within a reasonable period of time, but if necessary also immediately and without prior warning, to delete posts and entries and/or exclude users from the forum or from certain boards or options of the forum, if the rules listed below are not complied with.

B   Obligations of the user

As a user of this forum, you undertake to refrain in all contributions, "Private Messages (PM)", profiles, signatures, avatars, the "Gallery", etc. and all other written texts and images in the forum:

  • any discriminatory, in particular sexist and racist, knowingly false, grossly vulgar, threatening to human beings, attacking a person's private life or otherwise violating applicable law,
  • the use of any copyrighted or trademarked material, other than that which is the property of the author or this discussion forum,
  • links to images on other websites, insofar as they are not the property of the author,
  • to name personal data of third parties within the meaning of the applicable data protection law of third parties (excluding addresses of dealers and commercial workshops on the relevant board),
  • to offer or search for workshop manuals in digital or paper form,
  • to offer or search for airbags or belt pretensioners,
  • offer or seek tips and advice on how to get material or immaterial objects (e.g. also software) whose possession or distribution is contrary to applicable law in file-sharing networks,
  • link to infected websites (viruses, Trojan horses, etc.), counters, affiliate programs and/or sites with sexist, racist, pornographic or illegal content,
  • to carry out personal disputes and disagreements in writing in the forum, even if they refer to facts outside the forum,
  • misleading information about yourself in your profile, in your self-portrait or in other contributions,
  • any grossly polemic, defamatory, abusive, derogatory, personally offensive, unobjectively critical, hateful or hostile utterance,
  • the violation of the confidentiality of "Private Messages (PM)".

Furthermore you commit yourself as a user:

  • to be logged in the forum only with one user ID (Be sure to spell the email address correctly - registrations with undeliverable email addresses will be deleted immediately.),
  • to refrain from registering with temporary e-mail addresses, registering via anonymisation services, commercial registrations which only serve the purpose of selling and advertising, as well as spamming of links or the forum.

As a user, you expressly grant the operators, administrators and moderators of this forum the above-mentioned right, in their sole discretion, to edit, move, block or delete contributions and entries usually within a reasonable period of time, but if necessary also immediately and without special announcement, and/or to exclude users from certain boards or options of the forum or from the use of the forum as a whole.

C   Short notes on data protection

  • As a user, you expressly declare your consent to the data collected during registration being stored in a database.
  • The website uses cookies to store information on the user's IT device. These cookies do not contain any of the information given above, but are primarily intended for the user's convenience. The user's e-mail address is only used to confirm registration and, if necessary, to send a new password. Registration as a user in the Barchetta Forum requires a valid and accessible e-mail address. If notifications cannot be delivered, the user will be blocked, but unblocking can be initiated by e-mail with a valid e-mail addressed to the administration.
  • For important general information regarding the website, all administrators of the forum may use the e-mail address you provided when you registered. (A list of current administrators can be found here hier). This function cannot be disabled and is part of the terms of use.
  • Detailed information on data protection can be found in the Privacy Policy, further information on liability and copyright can be found in the Imprint - both documents (currently only in German) are herewith part of these Terms of Use.

D   Special notes

  • The current configuration of the forum allows your user name (alias) to be displayed on the overview page of the forum if you are online or have been since the beginning of the day. This is also visible for unregistered guests of the forum. Please take this into account when choosing your user name. The details of your place of residence entered in your profile and, if applicable, your age will also appear. Especially the combination of these details endangers the protection of your personal data - therefore choose these details with caution! - By registering, you declare that you are aware of this fact and declare your consent.
  • For reasons of data protection,
    a) it is not allowed to use surnames or contact data as user or forum names (initials are permitted),
    b) it is not allowed to post personal data as defined by the DSGVO (e.g. surnames, contact details, etc.) or include them in signatures, profiles, images, etc.;
    contributions/profiles/signatures/images with such data must unfortunately be deleted immediately.
  • Users who have not logged in to the forum for more than 1 year AND have posted less than 100 posts will be deleted without further announcement.
  • Contributions from deleted users are not automatically deleted or deleted by the operators/administrators, but remain under the forum name of the authors with the addition "guest" and remain readable (see below "Unsubscribe from forum").

E   Unsubscribe from forum

Unsubscribing from the forum (deletion of the registration is possible at any time (Profile - Actions - Delete user account / Profil - Aktionen - Nutzerkonto löschen), but will first be checked and confirmed by the administrators (as soon as possible). This assumes that all data, images, etc. owned by the user have been previously deleted by the user or have passed into the possession of the forum operator by explicit declaration. Only with this step a deregistration has taken place legally and technically.

F   Declaration of consent of the user

By completing the registration, you as a user expressly agree to the aforementioned terms of use.

You have taken note,
that a violation of the terms of use leads to exclusion from the forum, and
there is no claim for compensation against the forum operators for any written texts, images and "Private Messages (PM)" you may lose as a result.

If you do not agree with these terms of use, you may NOT register now.
If you accept the terms of use and want to continue registering, go back to registration.

If you have already registered but do not agree with these terms of use, you must immediately unsubscribe from the forum now.

Dear Barchettisti - I know: many formal things - difficult to read, and some things may sound petty or formalistic!

But all these conditions have a meaning and protect both us as the legally responsible operators of the forum and you as users!
In case of ambiguities or discrepancies regarding these terms of use, please do not hesitate to contact us openly - preferably in the Forum zum Forum, but also via "Private Message"!

We will always be willing to provide reasons and clarifications, to make changes as well, but if necessary also to make necessary adjustments to changed legal situations!

For the operators and administrators:
Uli Leinhos-Heinke
« Letzte Änderung: 11. Mai 2019, 11:16:08 von Uli »
DSM-STEP-5 '98 grigio steel 265.000 km + DSM-STEP-5 '97 giallo ginestra 165.000 km - (Details: